I  am  now  at the  end of my powers. Is morning the 2nd on September. I barely  feel like  waking up. I  fell an strong  delusion, I think there is  nothing there in the world waiting  for me...
I do  not  know  if you  have ever felt this way, is a strong feeling that overwhelms you and your body and mind feel like  frozen. You  are in a hole, a black  hole and you see no light either-way. What  should I do... go  back  home ask my parents for money. Wish it  was so easy, but they  do not have those money either.
I  need to be up, open my PC and look for some job, anything that shall help  me make a living. So I open the  job sites,  verify if I have any mails for job interviews and I  get no news... good or bad.
In my  prior search online I have often encountered the position of chat girl that  gains 1000-2000 euro. I decide to look into it. So I find an announcement related and I apply. I feel like I  have disappointed my family, lowered my life's expectations by doing it. Even  typing seems unreal, my fingers are not the ones doing the writing, it  just feels like there is somebody else writing instead of me. This might have been the first time I  saw my other half, not so ladylike and  making me to feel ashamed. After writing this email i  feel  exhausted, so tired like  after doing exercise. I feel like taking a brake and cutting me of from the picture, it  feels unnatural. While struggling with my  emotions I  did my mention I have an email in my inbox. Is from the casting agency and they are calling me  for an interview that same day. My air seems insufficient, my blood seems to warm. What should I do? I somehow sent the mail hoping to  get no answer, to have a getaway somehow in my twisted mind it  was not so real until now I have an interview, I have to go there. My mind is running ideas, cannot stay still, I feel fear, exhaustion, need to cry to scream to make myself invisible, to disappear from the  sight of the Earth. Thinking that my fingers touch the keyboards and writing a formal answer into saying no, refusing to go the interview.
And this was the first time I entered into Caty's World, first time I have met her. I was able to reduce her enthusiasm and be a broke student. But for how long?

Is a summer day, so  hot, I  feel the asphalt melting under my heels. Is the 7th interview this week. Every  interview call is a sip of water in the desert, but there is no  final  call announcing me that I am hired...Even if is just 10 am the bus is already feeling like a sauna. People seem to know what they are doing, they seem to have a purpose for being there. But I  feel like just wasting time... but I have nothing better to  do then to look for a job, an internship, anything that  can ensure the payment for rent and food. I found a free chair and I take it, I focus better sitting then standing. I just take a sit and the cell starts calling. I am thinking might be a job opportunity, I just applied for a marketing internship that seems like a dream come true, get paid to  do what you want:). I answer and is the HR for the interview that I was  heading towards telling me that the  manager shall not be in today and informing me that she will have to reschedule the  following days. I answer politely using a cordial speech telling her is nothing and that we shall  have the interview the following days, even if my  mind goes crazy, I know this type of calls, there  shall be no interview.
I feel upset and frustrated and there sitting in the  bus chair I feel so  small and powerless.  What should I do next? Should I go home, have a walk in the park, read the newspaper... I decide to  sit on the  chair and wait until the  bus  stops and then get out. I am looking out of the window envying every person that seems to have a job. Is like they have a label, they have a fix look that  seems to follow a purpose, yeah they  certainly  know what they are doing, their time is precious not like mine...
This is the way I spent, better like wasted 2 mouths part of  my summer Holiday. At the end of August, I was broke: had no money to pay for rent, I couldn't afford to pay my cell phone bill and I barely had money for food.
Still going on interview, but I think they already smell my desperation... and I get no results. No job yet and the bills continue to arrive.

Caty  and C. are me, one and the same person. But there is a big BUT. While  C. is  what you  get  to see when you meet me, Caty is a secret part, hidden  which  just  few get  to  meet...
Let me tell  you a little  bit about my life... I am 19, just  entered university. I am a small town girl just getting acquainted with the  big city. I  am still tired by the  noise and crazy rhythm of the city.  I  am nerdiest nerd I have ever met until  now. I  spend my free time in the library just  reading about Communication. Yes I know it  sounds like a cliche, but yes I am  into communications like  half of the  female  population living on Earth.
This  is  where the common ends cause I am what you  call a web girl... yes it is the true men pay to see me.
I am sure  you are  wondering  why  does  she  do  that?! Well I  do  for the easy  money that I  can gain. And I  enjoy talking with men, I  find them a special  genre so different  from  woman.
I shall start with the beginning.  My  1st University year, I just landed in a new big world. I have a rather boring schedule, I wake-up,  go to  classes and every brake I get I visit the library, I have favorite spots  where I  can read,  the  lighting is natural and I enjoy the plants on my table.  I have great grades, I love my major and do not miss a class.  But the  web chat started in need for money to  be able to support myself over the  summer, when my 1st University Year had ended... It was like a dream that you live in but  feel same time that is unreal...

Caty world mystery
It is a simple day just like any other. I did  not  have an  Epiphany that encouraged my  writing needs. Just  woke up to the need of  having a great  coffee not a  great  writing urge. 
So after making the coffee and while sipping  it  enjoying the vanilla sweet flavor I thought I could start the  blog. Is has been a while since I am thinking of sharing the dark hidden parts of my life. But people near me are not ready to see the real me. might be  my fault, I have a certain image so me, but same time so different  from whom I can be.
Lady like outside the  box and dark  mysterious angel inside the  box.
Caty's shall  be me the dark side. I can assure you  is very hidden, tragic and so different from C.
I am writing memoir blog cause Caty is locked now in a box and only C. is out to be seen.
Next post I shall  introduce you Caty...